Sustainable UX

10 years ago PUSH conference was founded. But what if we look 10 years into the future? What will be the state of the planet and our society in 10 years? Do we still talk about UX and design or will we have much bigger problems?
Today as UX designers we put the user into the center of our work. This is how we define our job: creating outstanding experiences for the users. But, in these times and if we want to have a future for us and our children, we have to take responsibility for more than just the users. And the good news is: we are more powerful than ever. But it is on us to make use of this power. To question our own work and to challenge our colleagues and clients. To be a change.
But what can we as UX Designers do to drive sustainability and make our work more sustainable? What does Sustainable UX even mean? To answer these questions a group of designers created the non-profit initiative „SUX - The Sustainable UX Playbook“, which grew to community and a workshop space with more than 1000 designers from all over the world discussing and working on ideas how to drive sustainability within and through UX.
Thorsten will give you a vision and concrete ideas about sustainable UX and what YOU can do within and through your work as a (UX-)designer. Because the team at SUX is convinced that it is on every single one of us to work on a future for us and our children and every other (human) being on this planet.
Or as the great polar explorer Robert Swan once said: „The biggest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.“